Don’t Make These Mistakes When Using Mouse Traps

Do you have a mouse infestation? Mice are a dreaded pest and they not only pose health risks to you and your family, but they can also damage your home and belongings. If you’ve seen mice feces or shreds of cardboard or wood around your home, it’s time for you to take control!

The classic spring-loaded mousetrap is a timeless and effective way to help eliminate mice. All you need to do is set it and forget it, right? Sort of. It’s quite possible you may not be using your mouse traps effectively. Read more to learn how you can avoid the common mistakes people make when setting a mouse trap.

Mistake 1: Not Using Gloves

Mice can smell humans, so they might avoid mouse traps if they can detect your scent on them. The best way to prevent this is to wear gloves when handling mouse traps and bait.

Mistake 2: Not Using the Right Bait

Contrary to popular belief, not all mice like cheese. These rodents love nuts and seeds so it’s a good idea to use peanut butter or another nut spread as your bait.

Mistake 3: Not Using the Right Amount of Bait

While on the topic of bait, make sure you are using a small amount of it. If you use too much bait, a mouse can simply snag some of it without setting off the trap. Remember, mice are very clever.

Mistake 4: Not Placing Your Traps in the Correct Location

Mice are fearful of large open areas. They scurry near walls, using their whiskers to help them navigate. So if you place a mouse trap in an open area, the likelihood of catching a mouse is quite slim. Instead, place your traps perpendicular to the wall with the bait closest to the wall. You can also place mouse traps in concealed areas, like under furniture and underneath sinks.

Mistake 5: Using Only One Trap

Mice multiply quickly. So if you have one mouse, you may have more. To help stop a mouse infestation, you’ll need more than a few traps. We recommend you set a mousetrap every 2 to 3 feet apart, this way you have a higher chance of catching mice.

Mistake 6: Beginning with Loaded Mouse Traps

Mice are cautious about new objects they encounter. The most effective strategy is to set out baited, but deactivated traps at first. This will cause them to become acclimated to the traps and continue to return to them. After the first few nights, it’s time to set them!

Mistake 7: Not Checking Your Mouse Traps

It takes perseverance to make sure your traps are working effectively. Sometimes mice will grab the bait without setting off the trap. They can also set off the trap without getting caught. And if you have traps that aren’t loaded or don’t have bait, they aren’t going to work. So periodically check your traps.

How to Properly Set a Mouse Trap

We have outlined several steps to remember, so we’ll break it down for you in 4 simple steps.

  • While wearing gloves, bait several mouse traps with small amounts of peanut butter or other type of nut spread.
  • Place several baited traps out along walls and underneath furniture for a few nights, but don’t set the spring.
  • After a few days, add fresh bait to the traps and set the spring.
  • Periodically check your traps.

Quick and Effective Mouse Removal

Your mouse problem isn’t going to go away overnight. Trying to eliminate mice or any pest on your own is going to take time and effort. If you have a problem with mice in your home, contact the pest control experts at United Pest Solutions. We can help you remove the mice in your home and help prevent any future mouse infestations from occurring.

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