Carpet beetles are a very common pest in the Pacific Northwest, and they’re known for sneaking indoors – especially once the weather gets cold. Though these insects are not known to bite or spread serious diseases, they aren’t totally harmless. Carpet beetles can actually lead to a number of health issues, including:
- Digestive issues. The small hairs of carpet beetle larvae can get on food and cause irritation throughout the digestive tract.
- Respiratory problems. Carpet beetles can be particularly dangerous for individuals who suffer from allergies or asthma. Over time they may shed tiny particles or hairs, which can lower indoor air quality and cause respiratory issues.
- Eye irritation. Tiny airborne fibers or hairs from carpet beetle larvae can cause eye irritation, though this is usually only a problem during serious or long-term exposure.
Are Carpet Beetles Destructive?
In addition to being a health hazard, carpet beetles can be very destructive to your home and personal belongings. Since these beetles are omnivores, they will eat almost anything they find. While foraging around, carpet beetles can damage all sorts of household items, such as:
- Carpets
- Blankets
- Leather
- Furniture
- Clothing
- Bedding
- Food
How to Prevent Carpet Beetles
A carpet beetle infestation can be damaging to your home and health, but thankfully there are some steps you can take to prevent these pests from getting indoors in the first place. Here are some ways to keep carpet beetles out of your home:
- Keep your yard clean and tidy.
- Avoid bringing pollinated plants indoors.
- Declutter your home and vacuum regularly.
- Store food in airtight containers.
A carpet beetle infestation can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to deal with it alone! If you are struggling with carpet beetles in your home, call United Pest Solutions to get professional help! Our pest control specialists can help you find long-term solutions that treat the root cause of the infestation, so you can enjoy a pest-free and stress-free home. Just give us a call today to get started!